The Tisanerie

The Tisanerie

Every afternoon, in the Maison Rose salons, a daily selection of tisanes is graciously offered to you. Our slimming, purifying, refreshing or digestive blends are changed regularly, for the greatest pleasure of our guests.

Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool

Open all year round, our 26°C heated swimming pool provides a service of healthy juices and snacks in July and August.

Yoga & fitness

Yoga & fitness

Located among the gardens, our Fitness Cabin offers a range of “technogym” cardiotraining equipment and a “kinesis” equipment for muscles strengthening.

Private sessions with our qualifies instructors are available.

Papers and board games

Papers and board games

The press releases of the day are available every morning by the fireplace. Start reading in the relaxing atmosphere set by our deliciously retro-cosy musical selections. Scrabble boards, card decks and other games are also available.